Wednesday 11 September 2019

Vigan City Solidarity Celebration
Image result for Viga city solidarity celebration          Vigan City- the Philippines only Heritage City. We in Vigan tend to honor the World Heritage Cities Solidarity Day on the 8th of September. This week-long festivities aim to strengthen the pride of Bigueño history. In keeping with the long term goal of preserving the 63 Heritage Structures that date back from the 18th and 19th century.
Vigans well preserved Spanish trading town envirin was made to held festivities of varying competitions from September 3 to 7. This includes singing commpetitions, photography, Zarzuela Ilokana (Ilokano Stageplay), cultural quiz and story telling.

          For three years now, it has been a success. Its festivities featues the Chinese community Solidarity Festival to appreciate the contributions of the Chinese community in Vigans development. This is why the OWHC encourages the administration of each member city to take advantage of this day to highlight the city’s important responsibility to protect and promote World Heritage and, above all, to stress the privilege of having a part of that heritage in their community. It is therefore important, throughout the year but especially on 8 of September.

"Preserving the Ilocano culture includes bringing to life the history of the city. This will be done through a stage play on the life of a Philippine hero born in Vigan City, Father Jose Burgos; review of Vigan history called repazzo de Vigan parade of floats; retelling the city’s history to the youth by elderly Biguenos called historia oral," said Edred Piamonte, the city events officer.
He added that this year the bucanegan is included, the repazzo de Vigan is a float parade, and most of the events are held at the Vigan Convention Center and Vigan Culture and Trade Center on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays of September.
As of today, Vigan will continue to flourish and take part on Solidarity Day Fests, so visit Vigan ad take foot on its much awaited festivities!

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